Monday, January 28, 2013

Pillowcase Dresses and a Playdate

 Savannah and I got to have a play date this weekend. We got together with some work friends and their children, had Pinterest inspired snacks and had a great time. I made Ham and cheese pretzel bites and Salted caramel almond pretzel popcorn, Keo made Chicken and pot pie cupcakes, and Tanya made Mini Tortilla crust pizza's. Everything was absolutely amazing! I was very surprised how well everything turned out.

We've had so much going on at home the past few weeks. Jake is finishing up re-doing the ceiling in our bathroom (his first time drywalling) I finally finished painting my craft room and I made 3 beautiful dresses. I've been seeing these dresses everywhere lately and I had a pattern for them I just updated it a little. I was able to use all fabric that I had in my stash (yay for free!) and they really didn't take very long I just ran out of time.

 This one is Savannah's

 Tanya's daughter Abby

 Keo's daughter Joslyn

Here is a picture of all the kids. Joslyn 7 mos, Abby 16 mos, Micah 5 mos and Abby's brother, and Savannah 16 mos.

On the subject of beautiful crafts, my Aunt Roxanne made Savannah a beautiful knit sweater for Christmas. It is perfect and we love it!

Who knew that you could get a 3 yr old to help with the laundry? She loves sorting the socks and it is a great learning opportunity.

Savannah update:
No idea on height or weight
Taking steps on her own when she wants, not when we want.
Got 2 molars and a front tooth all in a month, and I'm pretty sure there are more on the way.
Loving peas and greens.
Still wont say mama but says "this" every time she wants something.
And cute as a button.

1 comment:

  1. I always love to see the latest things you are making Jenny. And I have to agree with the cute as a button for Savannah!

