Thursday, February 14, 2013

Homemade baby food and laundry detergent

 The winter storm last Friday didn't qualify as 'Blizzard" in our neck of the woods. No surprise there, being in the armpit of NJ we don't get much of anything. We ended up with about 4" of snow and I couldn't wait to take Savannah out in it. Unfortunately she had a different felling.
It started out good with daddy pushing her on the sled, then she fell off face first into the snow and from then on it was all over. I don't blame her.

 Not a happy girl.

Ok so those who know me know I'm thrifty. I don't like to buy anything that isn't on sale, I go out to eat about once every 6 months and it must require a coupon, and I want almost everything in my house to be homemade. I am generous though, so that is why I don't call myself cheap. This brings me to my next great find, a recipe for homemade laundry detergent. Jake works on people's oil heaters all day and comes home stinking up the place. It requires a lot of detergent to wash his work clothes and since this is so cheap to make I can use more.
Recipe is from Pinterest. Laundry detergent
It filled a large mason jar, a 3 lb bucket of oxi clean and almost filled a very large canister.

 Another thrift of mine is making my own baby food. The stuff in the store is about $1 per container, the stage she is in now it's at least $1 at 3 containers or more per day I think not. Plus for store bought baby food I make sure I have a coupon and its has to be on sale, this is not always available. What you see below is about 2 weeks worth of food and it cost about $6.- $10.
Minestrone in the middle, mac and cheese on the right, and leftovers on left.
 These recipe's are from the baby bullet user manual and cookbook.
1/3 c. green bean puree
1/3 c. squash or zucchini puree
1 c. marinara
1 Tbs. Olive oil
1 clove garlic
1/4 c. water
1 c. canned green beans cut
1 c. ground beef (optional) I don't use it
1/2 c canned kidney beans
1 c. veggie or chicken broth
1 c cooked mini macaroni

Add first 6 ingredients to blender or food processor, blend until smooth. Pour into saucepan, cook until heated.
Add beef, beans, broth, pasta. I added some Zucchini bits, and carrots also.
Savannah loves this! If you buy everything canned, you can make about 2 1/2 batches.

This is the mac and cheese. It's delicious and contemplating making it for family dinner.
1/4 c cheddar cheese
1/4 c. Ricotta cheese
1/3 c.zucchini, yellow squash, or cauliflower puree.
1 tsp. butter
2-3 Tbs. milk
1 c. cooked mini macaroni

Add all ingredients except macaroni to food processor, blend until smooth.
Heat this mixture in saucepan until melted and warm.
Toss in macaroni.

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