Friday, September 21, 2012

Sweetest thing

Birthday month is almost over (thank goodness) Between Jake's and my family there are 7 birthday's to celebrate in September.
At 1 year Savannah is 17 lbs. 10 oz. (5th% still) 30" (75th%) saying: uh-oh, dada, mama, cat, no, and lots of strange sounds. Loves bath time and giggling. Still not pulling up, standing or walking but crawling all over.
She had a photo shoot with and by Jake and I. We are not the best photographers but I think we got some pretty good ones. I am waiting to post them until after I send them in the thank you cards (yes they are coming I am not ignoring anyone) 

For Jake's birthday last weekend we took Savannah to the beach, it was such a beautiful day and the water was warm.  Too bad we didn't bring our swimsuits.  I'm so happy that Savannah loves the sand and isn't scared of the water yet.

This week has been rough on us since Savannah got 2 shots last week, the past 3 days she has been showing the symptoms from that.  I have also had to watch my 2 1/2 yr old niece 2 times this week who is potty training and recently scared of everything.
Savannah's fever spiked today after 3 days of mild ones, so I decided to go check on her when she woke up crying tonight.  She was more loving in those few minutes than ever before.  She put her head on my shoulder, started sucking on her 2 little fingers and fell back asleep.  It was so hard to put her back in bed and it is those moments that make up for all the stress in the world.  If we could just have a moment like that every time we felt stressed or overwhelmed there would never be arguments.

On a different note; I noticed today that my page views have hit 1000. That is so exciting to me and when I have free time again I will work on some more projects and maybe even do a giveaway.  Only problem with this is I have comments and page views but still no followers.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1st birthday

We had Savannah's first birthday party this past weekend.It ended up raining but we still had a good time. We had lots of things for the kids like, a pool, inflatable water slide, and swing set. Thankfully they were able to use them before the rain started.  That morning didn't go as smoothly as planned due to a nosy neighbor who called the fire dept. on us for having a small fire pit in our yard.
I made Savannah's outfit, getting the idea from a pin here: ballerina onesie tutorial. I made flowers from lace trim stacking the lace on top of itself going back and forth and around to form a flower, used a wide ribbon sewing it to a white onesie to go around just under the chest and tied a bow in the back. After sewing the sleeves of the onesie to form a tank top I then tied the sleeves with a very thin ribbon, and used the leftover lace trim to create ruffles on the butt. The headband was an old pair of her tights cut in half, sewed the ends together and added another lace flower to the top.

 Her gift from Jake and I was a handmade sandbox.  I saw a picture on Pinterest a few months ago and insisted that Jake make it for her birthday present.  He just followed the picture as a pattern and we filled it with sand from our beach house.  The project cost about $150 total but it was well worth it.
 I made 2 cakes and had to ice them last minute while everyone was eating dinner.  I saw this picture on pinterest and Jake really wanted me to make it.  I am not a fan of nuts so I used candy instead (big hit with the kids) I wanted to use toasted coconut but I have a family member who wouldn't eat it if I did that.
 And Savannah got her own smash cake.

We had a very rough first 4 months together and she still has some quirks that we have had to just get used to, but it has all been so worth it.  She is the most amazing little girl, she laughs randomly all the time, talks all day long, smiles and shows her love.  She is an adventurous eater, and she has been such a joy. I'm actually happy in some ways she has grown up because she is so much more fun now.