Thursday, December 20, 2012

A new job and a quick update

Sorry no photo's this time either, I hope you'll understand.

 A little over a month ago I started a new at-home  job as an Internet assessor rating and reviewing web pages and video's. It is a very legit job and I have been paid already so no worries. I can't talk about it too much but it is pretty complicated, requires a good amount of studying until you get the hang of it and I had to take 2 very difficult tests to get in. I do about 10 hours a week which is a lot more difficult than it seems when I still have my part time job and a 15 month old who doesn't nap as much anymore. This is hopefully a step to leaving my part time job that just gets worse as the weeks go by.

Have you ever started working on a project just to find out it is going to be a nightmare and there is no other choice but to finish it? Well I finally just finished that nightmare. It was a dress that was intended for my 6 year old niece for a Christmas present. I made the whole bodice, intricate detail, lining and all, to realize it probably would fit a 2 year old. I decreased my seam allowances and tried again, still too small, so now it is going to be a gift for my 3 year old niece. I think the pattern has some sizing problems. It's finally finished, and it's beautiful but I will never, make it again.

I have been working on a homemade cross-stitch stocking for about 10 + years now and I finally finished that also. I'm glad it was my own child who it eventually got finished for.

I finished a lot of my Christmas shopping early and even got a few projects done early, then Jake's family dropped the bomb on me. They decided to do a secret Santa exchange, oh well I've gotten over it and some people will just get an extra gift. I'm not real happy about having to go out in the last minute shopping crowd though.

Savannah started standing on her own last week, it is so exciting to watch her grow and learn. She isn't doing it enough yet to start walking any time soon though.