Monday, January 28, 2013

Pillowcase Dresses and a Playdate

 Savannah and I got to have a play date this weekend. We got together with some work friends and their children, had Pinterest inspired snacks and had a great time. I made Ham and cheese pretzel bites and Salted caramel almond pretzel popcorn, Keo made Chicken and pot pie cupcakes, and Tanya made Mini Tortilla crust pizza's. Everything was absolutely amazing! I was very surprised how well everything turned out.

We've had so much going on at home the past few weeks. Jake is finishing up re-doing the ceiling in our bathroom (his first time drywalling) I finally finished painting my craft room and I made 3 beautiful dresses. I've been seeing these dresses everywhere lately and I had a pattern for them I just updated it a little. I was able to use all fabric that I had in my stash (yay for free!) and they really didn't take very long I just ran out of time.

 This one is Savannah's

 Tanya's daughter Abby

 Keo's daughter Joslyn

Here is a picture of all the kids. Joslyn 7 mos, Abby 16 mos, Micah 5 mos and Abby's brother, and Savannah 16 mos.

On the subject of beautiful crafts, my Aunt Roxanne made Savannah a beautiful knit sweater for Christmas. It is perfect and we love it!

Who knew that you could get a 3 yr old to help with the laundry? She loves sorting the socks and it is a great learning opportunity.

Savannah update:
No idea on height or weight
Taking steps on her own when she wants, not when we want.
Got 2 molars and a front tooth all in a month, and I'm pretty sure there are more on the way.
Loving peas and greens.
Still wont say mama but says "this" every time she wants something.
And cute as a button.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


 I hope everyone had a great Christmas, besides getting a stomach bug mine was great. Savannah had a lot of fun, especially playing with the batteries to the toys she got. Why do we bother buying toys, they like the boxes and apparently the batteries better. Please excuse the especially bad quality of photos, I am trying to figure out the manual mode on my camera.
 Her hair is getting so long, I can actually get a ponytail on the top and in the back but not both together. She took her first step the other day, it was with the ball popper but we are getting closer.

 She got her last tooth when she was 11 months old making it 2 on the bottom. She finally just started getting 2 more (at the same time) strangely though it is 2 top molars instead of the 2 top front. This kid has done everything opposite of what she is supposed to.

 So remember that nightmare project I was telling you about? Here it is! I think I have to hem it again before my niece can wear it but honestly I can't wait to see it on her after all the hard work I put into it. I also made a golf pillow case for my brother in law, tote bag that fits into a smaller monogram bag for his girlfriend, and 2 drawstring shoe totes for my nieces. I added a cute little surprise of ballet shoes inside.
 And here is the stocking that I had been working on for years. I would have gotten a better picture but Jake said he got one already. That wasn't true.

Savannah's new developments besides almost walking: She gives kisses all the time and it is soooo cute, she started falling asleep in my arms again and I just turn into complete mush when it happens, it's been about a year since she has done that.