Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I have been so busy working on my quilts that I haven't done much in the Children's clothing area. I thought I could hear my sewing machine calling me yesterday, poor thing is so lonely. 

My first quilt ever is this applique tree bells quilt. I really enjoyed the applique part once the millions of little pieces were cut and folded and bonded. That stuff was a pain in the butt. The tree bells quilt is ready for me to piece the back, I just need my mom's help with that, then off the the quilter for the batting and quilting. I might actually have it done in time for Christmas.

The next quilt I have started is the Crabapple Hill A to Zzzz Christmas quilt. It is hand embroidered which I am enjoying a ton. Again, not a huge fan of the tracing process. I worked on my first square while vacationing in Maine.

We had another great year at the cabin in Maine. Jake got to do a lot of work on the cabin (he actually enjoys this) and I got a good amount of sewing done. The kids had fun, they wen't canoeing and swimming, and fishing. Nolan was loving all the rocks at the beaches and Savannah and Jake even went into the ocean at Roque Bluffs (way too cold for me). The weather was cool, which was a really nice break from the hot humid Jersey weather. 
Bad Little Falls, Machias

Bog Brook Cove

Roque Bluffs
