Sunday, August 25, 2013


Savannah's second birthday is coming up quick, I can't believe she is almost 2. She is starting to understand so much now and it's making it much easier on us because she will answer yes or no to most questions. She still isn't talking much, but at least she is making an effort. Everything still sounds like daddy but we can understand some of it.
I've almost finished her birthday outfit, but I want to get pro pictures done with her wearing it before I reveal. That has been a difficult task since she keeps getting eaten alive by mosquito's, then scratching so bad she gets scabs all over, also falling in the driveway constantly and most recently she has a really big stye on her left eye, making it look like we beat the poor child. (we don't)
I made her this shadow box for her birthday. I put in the pro picture we had done when she was a few weeks old, the hat she wore most in the hospital, the card that was in her bassinet after she was born, the bracelets her and I wore and her first footprint.
I can't get a nursery ready for the new baby because we are supposed to be building that in our master suite (which has not started yet grrr..) My nesting has been organizing and finally putting up some decorations in our house. I haven't been feeling the greatest, second pregnancy is definitely a lot harder, so I haven't been doing a lot of physical activity. I've had this collage picture frame for a long time but could never decide what pictures should go in it. The collage looked pretty boring sitting there on the wall in my living room, I decided to do a copycat store bought quote frame. I bought a sleeve of scrapbook stickers all about family and cut them up a little to fit, then stuck them in the blank spaces in between the pictures. I like it a lot and prefer it to the expensive store bought ones because you can choose what quotes you want, and where they go.

I never knew what to do with old Christmas cards given to us from family, until I realized I don't have many decent pictures of my nieces and nephews. Plus the picture size for these collage frames are always a little weird. So, I cut out the people in the pictures I want to frame and use that for the odd shaped collage spaces. I have another frame in my living room I did this with and you really can't tell, It looks so cute.

So just an quick update on my pregnancy. I'm about 30 weeks now ( not really keeping track) but my appointment are every 2 weeks which is added stress to my already busy schedule. I've been feeling a lot of pressure for a few weeks now and when I brought it up to my doc, she said it's common with a second pregnancy because the muscles are weak. I never understood when I was pregnant with Savannah, why people always wanted me to sit so much. Now I get it, I can't walk far or be on my feet too much. I'm not sleeping well, and my body is always sore, everywhere!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Re-usable swiffer pads.

 I found another way to save money on household items. Homemade re-usable Swiffer pads. I love my Swiffer wet jet but didn't love the price. I've been making my own solution for it since I first ran out, just water and your favorite floor cleaner. I have also been using a cheap brand of Swiffer wet original pads because the "Swiffer diapers" are way too expensive. I found a great tutorial on Pinterest, it was very simple to follow and I had a couple dish towels that I've hated since the first wash. I cut up the dish towels, added some fusible Velcro and there you have it.
I fits perfectly and since I used it once and washed it already, I have to say I am very pleased with the result.

Savannah is keeping me so busy with her tantrums and infinite energy that I've been too tired to do much lately. I am currently working on her birthday outfit, I just hope it is warm enough to wear it. I'm also currently working on a new cross stitch for little Nolan and I have been a Ravelry fiend, finding crochet patterns to make for fall.