Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tunic Top

Needless to say I am not very photogenic and not very happy I had to pose for this picture, but I swear it's impossible getting my family to help me out.
Anyway, I made this Tunic top for my sister in law for her birthday in January. It was fun and easy but I don't think it's the right style for me (I'll probably be changing this pattern also). Of course comments were made that it could be a maternity top, but honestly after finally being able to put away my maternity clothes only 2 months ago, I realized that this is how my body is going to look after having a child and I can't wear half the clothes in my closet anymore. So i'm not offended.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My mom, Savannah and I all went to Lancaster, PA today. It's about a two hour drive, but well worth it for all the great fabric and cheaper prices. We found the best selection at Burkholter Fabric in Denver, PA. After getting some insane buys there, we went to Intercourse, PA where we got more great fabric at The Old Country store and Zooks, and had a great lunch at Kitchen Kettle Village. Savannah was having a rough day, but she got to try out an umbrella stroller for the first time. Can't post pics of the fabric because most of it is for gifts, but i'm so excited to get working. After I finish the diaper bag of course.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Back to the Future

Going back in time a little bit, I wanted to show some of the things I made for Savannah before I had her. I should tell you that we didn't know if we were having a boy or girl but we suspected it would be a boy. Either way, the theme was going to be owls.
Here is the mural I painted on the wall of her nursery. It is all free hand.

Then the diaper bag that I made fom an Amy Butler pattern in the book:Little Stitches for Little Ones. I'm currently making another one for a friend but i'm making changes to it.

I decided to add the yo-yo's because the bag looked so plain without them.

The inside of the bag, I wish it still looked like this.

This picture is the bumpers I made from the same Amy Butler book.
And the bedskirt.
And this is the beautiful crib my bosses got us.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dress Finished

I finally finished Savannah's dress last night, but of course I wasn't able to get pictures because it's been such a crazy day. My neices came over wearing the dresses I made them for Christmas but I was too busy to get pictures of that also.
It sure is tough hosting a dinner for 10 people when I'm only used to cooking for 2. My dishwasher is taking shifts. For desert I made Sopapilla
, it was so easy and delicious.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time keeps on slippin'

Seriously, I don't know where the time has gone. Valentines day has come and gone, and since I work 12 hour days Monday's and Tuesday's I completely missed it. Baby was in bed by the time I got home and Jake stayed awake long enough to make me grilled cheese. We did get to celebrate a little yesterday. I made our traditional Chicken sausage rigatoni with spicy vodka sauce. Jake made this meal for me 5 years ago on Valentines day, when we got engaged. Now we have it just about every year and throughout the year also. I still haven't even gotten to go near Savannah's dress again, because we've been so busy with doctors appointments and such.

I got a chance to make this wreath on Superbowl Sunday. I was so easy and pretty.

This is how I made it:

1 yard of fleece

1 box of small pins

1 foam or wicker wreath

I made a circle template from drawing around a glass about 2 1/2" in diameter, cut out as many circles as I could (yes I used the whole yard) then folded the circles in half twice and pinned the bottom of the folded circle into the wicker heart. No need to do the back.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Very Valentine

Today I'll be sending out a Valentines gift to my niece in Maryland who is exactly 11 weeks older than Savannah. I can't wait for my sister to send me pictures of her wearing it. If I have enough time, Savannah is supposed to be getting an identical gift. Pictures to come soon, hopefully!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Catching up

My name is Jenny, I have a 4 month old baby girl named Savannah and a wonderful husband. I also have a lot of family who I enjoy sharing my sewing projects and crafts with. I work part time at my job with an eye doctor and I recieved my cosmetology license this past summer and can't wait to finally be able to use it.

Usually when Savannah is sleeping I try to get as many sewing projects done as I can. For Christmas this past year I made 4 versions of the Feliz Party Dress for 4 of my nieces. Shown below is 2 of the 4 and once I can get my sister in law to take a picture I will have the shots of the other 2. The design really isn't that hard, only problem I didn't like was that the designer likes you to have free will with the pattern and doesn't give seam allowances. I was not able to measure the girls beforehand so I kinda winged it. I wish I had a picture of the back because these dresses are totally cute.