Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Smart Money Smart kids

See that cute little seahorse guy tucked away? That's "sniffy" Savannah's first purchase with her own hard earned money. I usually let the kids hold one of these little toys when we go grocery shopping but it has to "sleep at the store with it's friends" Savannah really wanted to take sniffy home, so I borrowed Dave Ramsey's Smart Money Smart Kids from the library, took a book load of notes (still working on it) and started her with getting a commission at home. Her pay jobs are Feeding the cat, making her bed and picking up the floor in her room, emptying daddy's lunch box, and cleaning up toys (this one rarely happens). She earns 25 cents for each and she saved up and bought him with her own money. I like to leave some jobs unpaid like cleaning up the table after dinner, and setting the table.
I was able to hold her money long enough for her to save up for this one. Then it got a little more difficult, she is 4 and a spender. She wanted to buy anything she saw at the store after this (including a paper shredder) So we started the spend, save and give jars. The save jar is for a big item she wants, the spend jar is for little things that she can buy on our errands and the save of course is for church. But you really need to read the book if you plan on using any of these ideas for our own home.