Monday, October 14, 2013

Crochet Mania

It's been crochet mania in my house lately. The weather is getting cooler (yay!) I'm getting bigger and lazier, and who can beat free patterns!
The baby is due 3 weeks from today (eek!) and I wanted  to make sure he was stylin' from day one.
He will have a new pair of booties. I can't even tell you how easy these were to make. The pattern is a T shape, then you sew it all together. Seriously 20 minute project! Here is the link simple crossover bootie if I didn't do that right, just go to and search simple crossover bootie.
Next, he will have a newsie hat. This one is also simple, and I did mention free! Here's the link newsie baby hat
He can't only have one hat (hopefully he will have many more) so I also made him this striped button hat

We can't forget about Savannah. So she gets this adorable bobbi news boy hat. The alterations in this pattern for the children's size were perfect. I fit her on the first try. This one did take a little longer but it was worth it.

 I am in the process of making a scoodie for Savannah, and bible costumes for our church's Christmas Live event.

Even though I am in constant pain, I have no energy, I can't sleep, I'm out of breath, and my heart races constantly, I do not want this baby to come early. I know I sound crazy but Savannah was a sleep to starve baby who would eat for 2 mins then fall asleep, then do it all over again 1/2 hour later, and she had a weak suck reflex. These are symptoms early babies tend to have. I do not want to go through that again.

I hope to have another post before I have this baby but it's doubtful.


  1. Those hats and booties are freaking adorable!!! You're so talented! :)

  2. Hang in there Jenny! Very, very cute - Savannah and the hats and booties.
