Saturday, June 30, 2012

Poppy Flower Tutorial

 This is my first tutorial and I was in a rush when I was doing it, so give me a little break if it is confusing or missing pieces. Here is the tutorial for a fabric poppy flower.

 Cut 3 roughly cut circles out of fabric in different sizes. I used jersey t-shirt material.

Cut out 3 circles of approximately the same size out of  featherweight fusible stabilizer or interfacing, and iron to the back of coordinating circle, following directions provided with your interfacing.

When cool, pull fabric away from interfacing just around the edges of each circle to create a semi-ruffled edge to the petals. Trim the excess interfacing.

Connect your 3 petals by sewing through all 3. I tried to make a tutorial of the bead work I did in the middle but it was very complicated, so I would suggest using a button or I have seen other interesting ideas using tulle and small puff balls.

Connect the flower to whatever you want. I made a swim cover-up for my niece and added one flower to the hood and a few to the waistband.

Here is the swim cover-up with the super cute bathing suit I found on sale at Janie and Jack. I hope she liked her gift!

I hope you found this easy to follow. Please leave a comment with advice, or any questions.

1 comment:

  1. Stella (and her mommy) LOVED her gift!!! Of course, her mommy was a bonehead and forgot it at home while on vacation, so she hasn't been able to wear it yet. Stella will send pictures as soon as she wears it. :)
