Thursday, March 8, 2012

A mother's day is never done

I am so beat right now. Savannah still doesn't always sleep through the night every time. It depends how much rice cereal I can get her to eat before she has a complete breakdown (she's kinda a drama queen.)
So, my day started pretty rough just because of that, then I had to take my niece to kindergarten and I got so involved in teaching her to read music that we were almost late to school. Savannah got a 15 minute nap during the trip to the school so she decided that was enough for a while and wouldn't take her morning nap. In the meantime I did get her to roll over from back to front for the first time.
When I eventually got her to take her nap, I had to work on the gift for my pregnant friend (i've been trying to get this gift done since I found out she was pregnant in November. Then Savannah woke up and it was time to run errands. It was so windy today, my hair was standing straight up.
We finally get home and Jake had to work late with my brother so I sat down for 5 minutes then tried to get dinner in while Savannah took another nap, but it never fails, as soon as I sit down with my dinner, she wakes up. Finally after cold dinner and trying to hold her and eat while she grabs everything out of my hand, Jake comes home.
Then it's time for baby's rice cereal (which she barely ate again), baby's bath, bottle them bed. Once she hit's the sack it's time for me to clean the house, do the dishes, laundry and make the baby food for the next few days. I finally get to sit and relax for an hour only to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow.

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