Saturday, April 28, 2012

Savannah, my little monster

Now that I got that out of the way I can explain. I just read a blog post about a woman who is pregnant and not enjoying it. It reminded me of my pregnancy and about this time last year I was 4 months pregnant. This picture was taken almost a year ago (kinda wierd).  I have to say, I loved being pregnant so much. I had no reason to complain, I had no sickness, and my favorite thing of all was that I had an excuse to look fat.  My only complaints were body acne, less curl in my hair, and clothes that fit my belly but wouldn't go over my boobs. Also, because I work at a doctors office, I had a lot of elderly people asking lots of questions.  I gained about 30 lbs. and everyone kept making comments about how it looked like I was having twins. The thing was, I just got big quick, it runs in the family. I lost around 25lbs within the first month, it really was mostly water and baby, and I have reached my pre-baby weight, but I still have this awful belly bulge. 

Here's the rest of the story.  As much as I loved being pregnant, I have to say, motherhood is a lot harder and less rewarding than I expected.  My husband isn't home much, which only makes it harder. Savannah has acid reflux and the medication she takes doesn't always work. I actually have to give her a little more than prescribed because otherwise I deal with screaming baby all day.  She wouldn't eat until she was 4 months old, and I figured out, it was probably because she associated eating with pain.  I've was taking her to the pediatrician every 2 weeks until 4 months, then every month and now at 7 months we get 2 months in between visits.  Now she will drink a bottle sporadically throughout the day, sometimes with a fight, and will only eat baby food with bananas or some kind of sugary food mixed in. I did not train her that way. We've been having a really bad couple weeks, with her screaming all day again.  My mom says just to ignore it as we are walking through the mall with her ear-piercing scream, making people look to see if i'm murdering her.  It's not that easy, I am very shy and don't like attention, especially bad attention. I'm very easily embarrassed. My husband is shy also, but it doesn't bother him.  I pray every day that I could just ignore the glares from people.
Although it doesn't sound like it, she is happy a few hours a day, she has the best laugh and the cutest smile. I love her so much, and I don't know if we will ever try to have another but if we do, it will be because i loved being pregnant and with the hope that we learned our lessons and the next one might turn out different.  We both come from big families and I would hate to see Savannah be an only child.
My baby girl, smiling from day one.
P.s She does not have hip dysplasia. But we had have another expensive doctor visit to find out.

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